We’ve added a great new feature we’re calling Alliances! An Alliance allows two or more Players to collaborate via real time chatroom. It’s a great way to develop a strategy for an attack, a plan for protecting trade routes, or just swapping game tips with each other!
To CREATE a new Alliance, you will need to be a Galactic Impact Premium Subscriber, but once an Alliance is established, any Empire in the Galaxy can be invited to join and enjoy the full benefits of this feature.
Empires who belong to any Alliances have an additional panel on their Diplomacy Page that allows them to access the Alliance Real-Time Comms Page. Send and receive messages in real time with the other members of your Alliance, communications carried across any stretch of Galactic distance in an instant.
Invite additional Alliance members as needed and those players can join the chat as well.
But! Keeping these subspace airwaves open and clear is not without cost — Alliances have a Galactic Credit upkeep cost each Stardate, based on the number of crosslinked subspace connections it supports between member Empires. Any member may pay into the Alliance coffers, but make sure someone is keeping on eye on the balance, because if the Alliance’s funds debit to zero, the Alliance is disbanded and the communications history will be lost!

So make sure to only invite those you really need as members of the Alliance, and avoid the upkeep cost becoming unmaintainable. Also, any member is allowed to invite any of their Diplomatic Relations to the Alliance, so make sure they’re trustworthy!